Get Certified

Become a Certified Locator

If you are an experienced locator, this certification is highly recommended.

You will have an international recognized industry qualification, being distinguished from "DIY" or self-authorized locators.

To obtain the certification, locators will have to accomplish a self-assessment (FOR FREE) plus theoretical and practical tests conducted by an independent certified assessor.

Get Certified


If you are an inexperienced or new locator it is highly recommended that you complete the Locate Management online training course “Utility Advanced Line Locating (UALL)” as a first step.

The online training course provides an excellent foundation for aspiring locators and will give you a sound knowledge base prior to enrolling into a face-to-face training course.

Recommended Training Providers
Renew your certificate

Renew Your Certificate

Once you get your certification, it will be valid for the next two years. After this period of time, we will remind you about the renewal before it expires.

Renewing your certificate will be straight forward and involve a statutory declaration confirming you have worked a minimum 100 hours locating over the last 12 months, as well as using the equipment required for your Certification. Further requirements may also be added by 2021.

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